Monday, 3 September 2012

Gel Medium Transfer Process

I have never even heard of this! I'm enjoying the alternative photographic processes we're being introduced to.

Part one (week 5)
I couldn't decide on two laser prints to bring in, so I brought about five. I'm still unsure about my photocopies. I did them in the City West library and thought they didn't look like laser picture quality. I asked the man at the desk who assured me they were laser photocopiers. The ink didn't smudge with wetness, but when I painted the gel medium on, I could see the ink shifting and the medium turned a pinky purple colour from the image underneath. So I'm interested to see how this turns out!

This is the photo I used for my first attempt that I took myself, at the Melbourne aquarium.

I really liked the example Di showed of her gel medium transfer onto mirror. I was excited to find out we could stick the transfers onto pretty much any surface we wanted. I considered old pieces of wood, glass, ceramic bowls and cups (as I am doing a ceramics elective). I think I have decided to put them on lamps. I have a 'Grono' table lamp from Ikea that I think would work well. I asked Di if she thought that would be okay. She said yes, but explained that the transferred image could melt if the lamp got too hot. I tested the lamp and after a couple of hours it got only the slightest bit warm. I think with the least powerful globes I can get, It'd be fine :)

This is the lamp:

I think I would cover all four sides. I have been inspired by the blossoms just coming into spring time and might use some old photos I have of them.. (If I can find them)

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